Massage in Abu Dhabi : Linda 0524306695

LINDA +971 524306695 
Tantric Body Massage Therapy in Abu Dhabi.

Tantra Massage Therapy or Tantric Massage is a form of erotic massage which incorporates elements from the neotantric movement in the Western world.

It Calms your Mind & Relaxes your spirituality. Tantric massage celebrations massages you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. During the ritual the tantric masseur passes spiritual or psychic energy, usually from the universe, into you, to awaken the tantric warrior within you. An extraordinary relaxing full body tantric and spiritual experience that will delight your mind, body and soul. It will make you feel as if you are in a tantric trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important. Your whole, body will bi-celebrated and NOTHING will escape attention. The purpose is to gradually "edge" you to your optimum ejaculation fusion point, again, again and again, building sexual energy to allow a really magical orgasm. That creates a balance, Putting everything into perspective.In-call & Out-call Facilities Available anytime. Young Nauru girls will take care of you with their own Nauru Massage session. 

Our young & fresh therapist from China, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Nauru Islands etc.

Services Available : Tantra Massage Therapy, Full body Sensual Massage, Nauru Massage, Japanese (Nuru) Massage, Prostate Massage, Swedish Massage, Head Massage (Indian), Chinese Massage (Oily), Deep tissue massage etc.
